Subject Search and Markup Language


MARC (Machine Readable Cataloging) format
online catalogue
subject processing
subject term
subject search


How to Cite

Zarić, B. (2018). Subject Search and Markup Language. BOSNIACA, 21(22), 18. Retrieved from


Subject search is a way to access document information in the catalog based on their content features. Components of subject search in the computer environment, are access points, such as classification tags, subject words, descriptors, title words. Search is done in a nowadays world via online catalog. In 1997, IFLA developed a study “Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records”, and for bibliographic marking of records, MARC (Machine Readable Cataloging) format. To enable the subject search, the key is the document subject processing. Subject heading is made of a set or line of words, that are term designations, which as a whole, give a concise statement about the subject. Search and designation are two interrelated processes that must be based on the same terminology.

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Copyright (c) 2018 BOSNIACA


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