Mehmed Šaćir Kurtćehajić died one hundred forty years ago as the first Bosniac journalist, first owner of the newspaper in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a peculiar personwith special intellectual strength, gifted person with rich imagination whose attitudeswere in regard to whole life and reality and he peered sagaciously not only into the 20th century, also into 21st century. He was a chronicler of Sarajevo, Bosnia Vilayet and Ottoman Empire with his newspaper Sarajevski cvjetnik and he took a very active and political part as the editor of official Bosna,a member of Vilayet Assembly (medžlisi umumii vilayet), president of
Beledija (town hall, municipal)... besides reminding ourselves of Kurtćehajić and his work, this is a chance to remind of the facts about appearance of modern printing in Bosnia and Herzegovina, first BH journalists and newspapers where there were noted all dramatic moments before one of the most fatal event of the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Congress of Berlin in 1879, after that Bosnia and Herzegovina occupied by Austria-Hungary.

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