Subject Catalogue and Subject Search


subject catalogue
subject heading
subject search
online catalogues
Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records
entity relation model
content processing
UNIMARC cataloguing rules

How to Cite

Tuzlak, D. (2017). Subject Catalogue and Subject Search. BOSNIACA, 9(9-10), 32–35. Retrieved from


Subject catalogue is an important information system in library work. It is a list of library collections sorted by specific terms (subjects) and expressed by a direct entry in alphabetic order. Whether it is in paper or in digital form, subject catalogue is useful to both librarians and users. Great support in compilation of subject catalogue provides thesauruses which represent organized set of subject labels which define and convey a content of publication. Athesaurus contributes to a faster and more precise subject classification, and also facilitates faster and easier search. In a time of automatic library processing and on line browsing, the most represented search is, in fact, the subject search. IFLA's study on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records contains new ideas on catalogue function in online environment. In order to adjust the information which a catalogue contains to user's demand, a model of bibliographic base entity-relation was designed and three entity groups were determined. Unlike neighboring states, Bosnia and Herzegovina does not have a tradition in compilation of a subject catalogue. Absence of thesauruses in the field of science, technology, and art (or perhaps one general thesaurus) represents lack of uniformity of subject headings in bibliographic records which are created by the libraries, members of the COBIB.BH.

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