Foreword by Editor
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Žero, A. (2024). Foreword by Editor. BOSNIACA, 29(29), 7–8. Retrieved from


With great pleasure, we introduce the 29th issue of the journal Bosniaca which is published by the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina (NULB&H).

For more than two decades Bosniaca is playing a key role in the promotion of librarianship, information science, and cultural heritage, positioning itself as one of the most important journals of this profile in the region.

The significance has been recognized in the international academic community, which confirms indexation in prestige databases such as Web of Science and Scopus. Thus, the journal not only provides global visibility to research from Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also contributes to the exchange of knowledge at the world level.

Bosniaca is an invaluable resource for researchers, academics, and professionals, providing a platform for paper publishing that deals with themes of essential importance for the development of the library and information sciences, preservation of cultural heritage, and innovation in these fields. Journal continuously supports an interdisciplinary approach and promotes cooperation among scientists which makes it a vital part of the scientific research infrastructure in Bosnia and Herzegovina and beyond.

This issue brings various papers that explore basic questions of preservation and interpretation of cultural heritage, as well as challenges of modern librarianship. Thus, grammar works in Arabic, Turkish, and Persian, found in the manuscript collections of Bosnia and Herzegovina, were the focus of research by Dr sc. Dželila Babović, while Nihada Bećirović, MA, studies the importance of inclusivity through the analysis of library services for people with disabilities in academic libraries.

Analysis of authorship and collaboration in the journal Bosniaca from its founding until today, conducted by Prof. Senada Dizdar, Prof. Lejla Hajdarpašić, and Lamija Selhanović, MA, emphasizes the importance of a multidisciplinary approach and open communication between scientists. This article explores the authorship and collaboration in the journal Bosniaca from 1996 to 2023. The research goal was to analyse patterns connected with authors whose papers were published in journals by use of bibliometric methods. Paper is a pioneer bibliometric analysis of this journal which contributes to the library and information field research in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The paper of Anida Ibričić, MA, contributes to the preservation of intangible cultural heritage by comparing metadata standards, while Dr sc. Adnan Kadrić and his collaborators research the library fund of the Ahmed-aga waqf in Mostar, offering a fascinating insight into the wealth of manuscript heritage from the 17th century. Dr sc. Elma Korić provides an analysis of the Ottoman map of Herzegovina and Shkodra from 1853, while the importance of the legal deposit for the preservation of cultural heritage in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1945–1995) is at the centre of the research of Prof. Lejla Hajdarpašić. From Croatia, the paper of Prof. Antonija Filipeti and colleagues draws attention to the mental health of librarians, while Antonija Marinclin investigates the potential of applying artificial intelligence in academic libraries.

Ethics in librarian practice is addressed in the paper of Dalila Mirović, MA, who critically examines cataloguing through the Ethical Code of cataloguers. Also, Branka Turk and colleagues provide an overview of digital solutions through the example of the Digital Library of the University of Rijeka, while Ivana Zorko emphasizes the importance of the Bosniak Collection as the central library of Bosniaks in Croatia.

This issue, like all the previous ones, testifies to the continuous dedication of the authors, editor, and publisher to promoting science and preserving cultural heritage. We thank all authors for their valuable contributions, which enrich the content of Bosniaca and inspire the wider academic community to continue researching, creating, and sharing knowledge. Their papers represent a bridge between the past and the future, between the local and the global, making the journal Bosniaca an indispensable part of the scientific and cultural life of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Adisa Žero, MA, MLS, Library Advisor


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