Although in the establishment of national, and consequently, the Universal Bibliographic Control of online publications, or “dematerialized” objects of bibliographic control, the institution of legal deposit is the most optimal mechanism for identification, as well as collection, preservation and promotion of the overall digital heritage of the country, due to the complexity of national legal deposit laws extensions, on the international library scene numerous initiatives in development of early identification systems of online publications recognized the constructive solutions for the identification of nationally relevant online publications. Such attempts attests, in literature frequently ignored, European BIBLINK project, which this paper recognizes as an example of the application profile. By questioning otentials and shortages of identification systems based on the rich metadata model, in conclusion this work emphasizes that development of early identification systems of online publications can partially help the processes of identifying dematerialized objects of national bibliographic controland that they should berecognized as auxiliaryelementsof the national bibliographic control components.

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