Miniature Books – Curiosity of Special Collections


minijaturne knjige
specijalne zbirke NUBBiH
Miniature books
special collections of NULBiH

How to Cite

Šahmanović, S. (2017). Miniature Books – Curiosity of Special Collections. BOSNIACA, 13(13), 48–51. Retrieved from


Miniature books are valuable items in many collections of national libraries. They first appeared in the form of little clay tablets in ancient Sumerian society. Concept of miniature book has changed throughout the history and it included bigger and smaller exemplars.

Miniature books were practical for carrying, but with the time this became irrelevant as they have become only valuable items of some collections. To present them to the public, libraries organize exhibitions of miniature books in libraries or at book fairs.

In the article we presented some valuable collections in the world and ex-Yugoslav region (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Slovenia).

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