Information-Comunication Technologies


information and communication technologies
data base
DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
intellectual capital
copyright law

How to Cite

Bogdanović, D. (2017). Information-Comunication Technologies: DOI – Digital Object Identifier. BOSNIACA, 20(20), 69–73. Retrieved from


World of great working possibilities with all the types of digital information in all sciences and arts is being opened by computerization in the sphere of knowledge. Current information and communication systems receive, information processing and transmit information in the form of digital signals. Communication process of information into digital information system is named digitization. Information and communication systems dispose of digital information saved in electronic data bases. Systems of identifiers allow targeted information retrieval. DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is one of the most popular identifiers. It’s used for identification of digital objects. DOI can be used for every type of intellectual property (physical, digital or abstract) which is named entity or object. DOI atributes document for some entity (name or series of characters) and it identifies that entity on digital network. Prerequisites for general progresss in the sphere of intellectual capital management are created by forming DOI system that means new possibilities for development of copyright law.


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