Diligent Search of Orphan Works


orphan works
diligent search
European Directive

How to Cite

Smajić, M. (2017). Diligent Search of Orphan Works. BOSNIACA, 17(17), 21–25. Retrieved from https://bosniaca.nub.ba/index.php/bosniaca/article/view/58


Libraries are increasingly faced with the works which authors are very difficult or cannot be identified. Such works are called “orphan works”. These works can be books, newspapers or articles, films that are still protected by copyright but for which the copyright owner cannot be located and get permission for the use of their works. Such works can be found in all collections of libraries and other cultural institutions.

Digitizing and storing of these works is both cultural and economic challenge. If the right holder of work does not exist, the institutions are not able to obtain the necessary permission to digitize it. “Orphan works” are a significant part of the collections of European cultural institutions. Therefore, common rules are essential in order to proceed in the case of “orphan works”, especially when it comes to major projects such as Europeana.

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Copyright (c) 2017 BOSNIACA


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