This paper provides a brief overview of the COBISS organizational model and software usage in the development of the national library information system in Macedonia over the past 30 years.
The beginnings of COBISS usage have been running since 1989 within the shared cataloguing system in the SNTIJ / BIS project.
Following the breakup of Yugoslavia and the failure of the shared cataloguing system, several Macedonian libraries have again started t use COBISS software due to the need to introduce new technologies and to automate their processes.
In 2004, when a great number of libraries showed interest to use COBISS software, the Ministry of Culture of RM has decided to use the COBISS platform for the development of the national library information system of Macedonia, and for this purpose, in the National and University Library “Sv. Kliment Ohridski “ has established centre of the Virtual Library of Macedonia, i.e. VLM Centre.
For the past 15 years, COBISS.MK has been operating and evolving according to COBISS.Net development plans. By the end of this anniversary year, more than 70 libraries (national, public, higher education and special) will be included in the system. The decades-long implementation of COBISS has made it possible for online libraries to be seen, to save and to organize the time in the process of the library materials cataloguing, and to animate the public by increasing the interest in the use of libraries.

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