Become SVKRI Expert - Student Information Literacy Workshops


informacijska pismenost
University Library Rijeka
Higher Education Library
information literacy
Postani SVKRI znalac


How to Cite

Cuculić, S., Krišković Baždarić, J., & Pemper, B. (2019). Become SVKRI Expert - Student Information Literacy Workshops. BOSNIACA, 24(24), 124–128.


Because of extensive access to electronic content online, libraries have experienced a complete turn in their activities. A decline in the number of book loans and an increase in the number of physical visits and virtual services were the reason libraries have started programs of education for students in the field of information literacy. The accent has been on programs and tools related to searching, organizing and evaluating information.

In 2016 University Library Rijeka started an educational program Postani SVKRI znalac as a support for students in their studies and their research work. The first two workshops are about the library and its services, the other three are based on the knowledge and skills of searching and evaluating information.

The rapid increase of information and literature in the digital sphere requires additional education related to access to information, copyright and the increasing phenomenon of plagiarism.

Program Postani SVKRI znalac has been recognized by the professors of several classes of the University and some workshops are part of those classes in specific periods of the academic year.
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2019 BOSNIACA


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