Monitoring and Assuring Data Quality in the Union Bibliographic Database


shared cataloguing
bibliographic records


How to Cite

Dornik, E. (2019). Monitoring and Assuring Data Quality in the Union Bibliographic Database: Slovenian Experience. BOSNIACA, 24(24), 112–119.


This paper presents the Slovenian experience with monitoring bibliographic record growth and data quality in the COBIB.SI union bibliographic database. The data on the growth of the union database between 2014 and 2018 is shown. Apart from quantitative data, the activities within the framework of the system for assuring higher quality of the union database are presented. The data on monitoring the work of cataloguers – beginners both before and after acquiring the licence for shared cataloguing is shown. This includes the activity of simultaneous monitoring of bibliographic record quality with the emphasis on monitoring the quality of bibliographic records with shortcomings of the same type and monitoring the records of the so-called daily production. The initial individual approach later proved ineffective. Analyses of certain performed activities have shown that today more than 60% of detected errors are fixed on average. The responsiveness of cataloguers is high, and they have received the activities well. We notice that we are not only informing but also raising awareness e.g. on certain innovations or tools in the field of cataloguing. Based on growth analyses and trend monitoring it will be easier to plan possible database interventions, perform additional data analyses, plan new software updates and similar in the future. We hope our experience is welcome for all members of
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