This paper is prepared on the twentieth anniversary of founding the Library of the Institute of Bosnian Studies BZK “Preporod”. There is a review of its activities from its founding, working and current conditions. In 1992, at war, “Preporod” continued with earlier begun activities connected with founding the library which is necessary for realization of projects
began in the Institute of Bosnian Studies besides BZK “Preporod” . In the framework of usually ways of acquisition, we do let emphasize the worthiest present, a private library, donated by academician, university professor, Ph. D. Avdo Sućeska. His library has got 14.300 titles and that’s very worth collection about Bosnia and Bosniacs, their history, literature, language and ethnology.
Books processing cycle was according to the International Standards Book Description. The author and classified catalogues were made, online catalogue which is accessible on “Preporod’s” web site. The items from book collection can be used only in the reading room and can be used without charge by the all users who are interested in.This library is a central library of all libraries which belong Preporod’s communities, it helps with library advices and getting reacher their book collection
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